Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Hunger Games: Written by Suzanne Collins

24 teens go in, and only 1 comes out. Are the odds in your favor?

Katniss Everdeen is 16 years old but has the responsibilities of an adult. Ever since the great war 12 districts have been formed to create the new land of Panem. Now, every district must offer two tributes- a boy and a girl- to fight to the death. The reward? Enough money for you to live on for your entire life. Worth its weight in gold in a world where food and money are limited.

This year Katniss has high hopes to protect her sister from her first reaping. Her name is only in 1 time unlike herself who has her name in 20. The odds are in Primrose's favor. But luck can only take you so far, and Katniss's worst fear comes true. Her sister just got entered in the Hunger Games. The only solution to save the one person she promised to protect is to volunteer. Districts 12 first volunteer. Katniss must now fight against 23 others. Including Peta Mellark, a 16 year old who has helped her and her family in a time of need. They are taken to Panem where they will soon train for the fight of their lives. Or you could say the fight FOR their lives. She is already considering this a death sentence.

Katniss's only talent is being able to shoot a bow. Very well I might add. But will this be enough to save her life? Will she stand up against kids who have been training years for this day? Is she strong enough?

Are the odds in her favor?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I have read many books by Suzanne Collins. This is second on my list of favorites by her. The other is Catching Fire. The sequel to The Hunger Games. This series is a MUST read and Catching fire gets a 10! This needs to be on your bucket list of books to read!!!!!!!

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