Thursday, January 31, 2013

Damaged: Written by Cathy Glass

A number 1 Sunday Time Bestseller, Damaged is a heart wrenching story about a foster carer who takes in a troubled young 8 year old. Jodie is what foster parents have nightmares about. She is aggressive, difficult, and has been through 5 foster families in 4 months. Something that is unheard of. Jodie's last hope is Cathy Glass an experienced carer.

As soon as Jodie arrives to her new home things become difficult. She soils herself purposely, screams to get what she wants, and greets Cathy's teenage children with a sharp kick in the shins. Jodie is unlike any other child Cathy has ever taken care of. Unlike many children she doesn't care what people think about her, and seeks no approval from others. When being spoken to she zones out. Soon it is discovered that Jodie's problems are worse than they appeared at first. Not only does Jodie begin having symptoms of Dissociation Identity Disorder (DID) but they also discover that she was a part of a pedophile ring. She was forced upon by the only people Jodie could trust. Now it's up to Cathy to help her understand that no she's safe and she can trust adults again.

Through this true story you will discover if Cathy is able to stay with this child no matter how difficult it becomes. Also, will Jodie finally get the help she needs, and get justice for those who once hurt her.

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A wonderful story line, I was unable to put this book down once I started it. However, some of the British terminology was hard to follow and I found myself frequently looking up unfamiliar words.

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