Thursday, January 31, 2013

Identical: Written by Ellen Hopkins



Ellen Hopkins is the author of many adult novels. What makes her books stand out the most for me is her creative writing style. She writes all of her stories in free verse and no page is spaced the same way, as I did to one of her lines in the book.

Kaeleigh and Raeanne are the daughters of a Judge and a Politician and must be perfect in every way. However, both girls are going down a path of destruction. One is sexually abused by their father. The other see's what her father does as a sign of love, and that he's playing favorites. This is an obvious sign that she is losing and turns to drugs, alcohol, and sex to come to terms with not being daddy's "favorite".

On the surface this is the "Perfect All American Family". But underneath the facade they are falling apart at the seems. Neither parents are able to see that their daughters are going to the place of no return. These twins are keeping everything bottled up, but you can only do this for so long before you explode.
Secrets like the ones the twins are harboring are not meant to be kept -- from each other or anyone else. Pretty soon it's obvious that neither sister can handle it alone, and one sister must step up to save the other, but the question is -- who?

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Although this book was amazing like all of her other books, it did seem to have a lot of the same character problems as in some of the previous novels. This didn't stop me from thoroughly enjoying it. It was a page turner and one of her best books with an amazing twist at the end.

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